Remove VBA Password is a quick and easy way to remove any password protecting VBA projects such as those in Office 2000 components Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, FrontPage and Microsoft Office project files. 0.4 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPShareware Remove VBA Password Review - Download
Recover passwords from Google Chrome or Chromium: As you very well might imagine, this program is a small freeware program which easily recovers all of the saved passwords from the Google Chrome web browser and it also works with passwords saved in Chromium (the open-source version of Google Chrome). 7.9 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 / Vista / XPFree Chrome Password Decrypter Review - Download
Firefox password recovery wizard with user interface: FirePasswordViewer is the GUI version of popular FirePassword tool to instantly recover login passwords stored by Firefox on your system. 1.83 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPFree
Unfortunately for Internet Explorer/Windows users, there is a pretty big hole in the security of Windows when it comes to passwords hidden behind asterisks (***). 0.6 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 / Vista / XP / NTFree AsteRisks Review - Download
A password manager which stores all IDs, usernames, passwords and more behind a password: Any Password is a rather useful tool that allows you to manage and store your passwords, usernames and all kinds of information of a confidential nature, in a tree structure. 0.63 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPFree AnyPassword Review - Download
A password manager with sharing options. Also encrypts files: If you're looking for a more secure way to save your passwords, then CoffeeCup Software's LockBox password manager is a good option. 4.53 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPShareware LockBox Review - Download
An automatic form filling password manager with support for Android and iPhone sync: SafeWallet is a multi-platform password manager designed to allow its users to freely move between devices online where their passwords will be saved on a secure cloud. 4.6 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPFree SafeWallet Review - Download
Software that generates passwords and random numbers for usage in a secure environment: For those wishing to tighten up on their personal and professional security online, Password Generator Pro is a program which offers a way to generate strong passwords without the user having to really do much thinking. 3.23 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPShareware Password Generator Pro Review - Download
A password manager developer by world-famous security experts responsible for PC-Cillin: Trend Micro DirectPass is a password manager for Windows which safely and securely keeps your collection of username and password combinations behind an encrypted database, only accessible with your own master password. 25.14 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPCommercial DirectPass Review - Download
Generates random passwords and then stores them behind a master password key: Creating completely random passwords is actually a difficult task for the human if you really think about it; you could always called "asdfghjkl" random, but in reality, it might easily be duplicated by hackers because it isn't random and is obviously a row of characters on many keyboard layouts. 2.56 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPFree Random Password Generator Review - Download
Aurora Password Manager is a typical password management program which allows users to store multiple usernames and passwords behind AES-256 encryption. 3.09 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPCommercial Aurora Password Manager Review - Download
Free password generator which can create secure passwords which include special characters: Pgen (short for password generator) is a freeware password utility with the sole and simple task of creating uncrackable passwords for use on online services. 408 KB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 / Vista / XPFree Pgen Review - Download
In so far as password managers go, there are a lot of paid solutions out there. 1.01 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPFree Free Password Manager Review - Download
Freeware Blackbox Password Manager: If you're like one of the many millions of online users who have multiple accounts on different services, you might have figured out that using different passwords for different sites is a really good idea. 6.54 MB | For Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XPFree BlackBox Password Manager Review - Download