Liberal government to buy Trans Mountain pipeline for $4.5B


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Poor Hoid.....he is a typical LIE-beral and just does not understand how fully integrated the Cdn and Yankee economies are linked!!! Yankees already have enough oil for their current needs! Kinder Morgan pipeline was designed by Albertans and their allies- for the same reason LIE-berals want to create an electric Toy Car market! ====================================================================================================================================================== Albertans want to create a NEW chunk of Cdn economy that is NOT under Yankee control! They want to EXPAND CDN exports to new markets like China! ============================================================================================================================================== All LIE-beral policy is now so SCREWED that they are spinning in circles! Our idiot Boy Justin has attacked Saudi Arabia and its treatment of women as a way to recoup some of his lost face over the Kokanee Grope! Too bad he thought the Saudis would be an easy target and he has triggered yet ANOTHER TRADE WAR! ================================================================================================================================================== LIE-berals care nothing for the environment nor for women`s rights! LIE-berals seek ONLY hot button issues they can manipulate to buy votes! =================================================================================================================================================== If LIE-berals were honestly focused on environmental issues they would immediately build the Energy East pipeline so that eastern Canada would have no need to buy oil from misogynist Saudi Arabia! And of course that Energy East would also allow us to stop buying oil produced in Venezuela and Mexico as well and that oil is produced under much less stringent environmental laws than we have here in Canada! ========================================================================================================================================== Even worse- stupid LIE-berals have mocked Trump for griping at German leader Merkel for signing a multi billion dollar oil deal with Putin`s Russia!!!!! LIE-berals deplore the vicious MESS in Syria and yet they are SILENT over the Russian sponsorship of vicious tyrant Assad! Trump is right- the more western currency Putin gets- the BIGGER will be the political and military messes he can make! ================================================================================================================================================= By exporting MORE CDN OIL we can take market share away from war monger Putin!!!!!! New supply sources mean changing shopping habits for oil buyers and the unloved Putin can be cut out! =============================================================================================================================================== That LIE-berals refuse to see the benefits of Kinder Morgan and Energy East is PROOF that LIE-berals be HYPOCRITES of the FIRST RANK!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Our blanket support for US and Israeli policies will never go away. The more Canadians (real ones rather than the bullshit artists that have been running the country since 1867. They couldn't even record the referendum vote that was needed to make Canada a country.

You have to be a mental midget to swallow the shit you are being fed, that you push it as the truth makes you a liar, I'm not very fond of liars, I think they are dangerous and need to be exposed for the pieces of shit they are. I didn't make you into liars but I can certainly expose the lies. Just watch how easy it is.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here is a funny article illustrating the pot calling the kettle black! With some comments of my own in brackets): 'Assault on green energy:' Industry slams Doug Ford's decision to cancel incentives CBC/Radio-Canada. June 25. 2018 As a solar energy supplier, Unconquered Sun founder and CEO Sean Moore said the cancellation of green incentives is a step in the wrong direction. Doug Ford's decision to cancel green incentive programs across Ontario has owners in the industry calling it an "assault on green energy" and a step in the wrong direction. (Well DUH! Ford has just cut some seats on the wonderful LIE-beral gravy train and the dispossessed Hogs don’t like it!) The owner of Green Sun Rising in Windsor said they'll definitely feel the pinch in the short-term since there's no longer government cash being dangled in front of consumers enticing them to go green. ==================================================================================================================================== (IN other word the mouldy green energy businesses that exist thanks to LIE-beral bribery will have a hard time surviving in the real world- were people ONLY buy your product if they feel it is worth while! And mouldy green energy is ONLY good for LIE-berals and their Hog pals! One has only to think of the guy on the news who will refuse to buy an electric car now that the $14 grand in govt gravy subsidies have been revoked! People who support mouldy green energy are doing so for GRAVY- and NOT for the environment!) ==================================================================================================================================== "In the last few years the available business for a solar company within Ontario was insufficient to keep the boat floating," said Klaus Dohring, president of Green Sun Rising, which supplies solar systems. ==================================================================================================================================== (The cost of solar systems- which get as much as 900 percent more for electricity than other generating systems, plus the insane LIE-beral promise to buy any and all mouldy green energy the Hogs produce- regardless of our needs at the time- is a MAJOR DRIVER of electrical cost- and a direct contribution to LIE-beral election defeat!) ==================================================================================================================================== "If we were totally dependant on Ontario as a business, we would not exist anymore," he said, adding this latest announcement has caused things to go from "terrible, to even more terrible." Now, the company conducts most of their business outside of Ontario. ==================================================================================================================================== (Good- let them bleed some other sucker dry and leave us alone! A lot of people went into the mouldy green energy biz with their eyes shut to reality! I know the asphalt shingles at the building supply place “guarantee they are good for 30 years”- but one has only to think of the name brand type that FAILED after 11 years! And how many people have added up the cost to remove, store and replace their roof top solar panels if the roof rots much faster than expected? Some brands of shingle rot faster than expected so should we ask what is the real life span of those costly new roof top solar panels?) ==================================================================================================================================== On Tuesday, Ford scrapped the GreenON program, which provided incentives like free smart thermostats to those looking to make their homes more energy efficient. Ford delivering on promise. (As somebody who never had a FREE smart thermostat- but had a friend who did own one of the gizmos- I can say they are NOT worth the major govt subsidies that pay to install them! Get home from, work and flip on the old school thermostat while you bustle about cooking dinner!) ==================================================================================================================================== (If your house gets that cold while you are away that you are that uncomfortable arriving to a house that you left in the morning with low heat settings then I have to ask if you NEED MORE INSULATION- rather than a govt thermostat! And isnt THAT A LIE-BERAL GOAL- to get poorly insulated houses improved? Why- YES IT IS! LIE-berals even wanted to make us pay for energy audits of our house insulation and now LIE-berals are whining about the lack of free thermostats! Fancy govt thermostats simply mask how badly your house leaks heat since it revs up your furnace before you get home so you don’t know what a heat leaking sieve you bought!) ==================================================================================================================================== Ford's director of communications, Jeff Silverstein, said this is Ford delivering on a campaign promise. "Doug Ford received a clear mandate from the people of Ontario to cancel Kathleen Wynne's cap-and-trade carbon tax and the slush fund that was paid for by the carbon tax," he said in an email statement. Ford, who is set to be sworn in on June 29, has already announced plans to end Ontario's cap-and-trade program, which funded GreenON and a number of other initiatives. ==================================================================================================================================== (What Ford is cancelling is simply a number of shameless LIE-beral vote buying give away`s that will NOT aid the environment! Having a fancy govt supplied thermostat means you are using MORE energy since your furnace activates sooner- BEFORE you get home rather than sitting dormant till you arrive to actually start using it!!) ==================================================================================================================================== The newly-announced incentives from the Liberals had not been activated yet, after the previous rebates finished in December. Ford, as the premier-designate, put an end to it before it even started. The end of the program — launched at the end of 2017 — means homeowners will lose the chance to qualify for thousands of dollars worth of rebates on a number of improvements, from windows to insulation to solar equipment. ==================================================================================================================================== (In other words it was a typical LIE-beral bait and switch deal! LIE-berals tell us that over 80 percent of ALL home maintenance is done under the table- the incentive programs are nothing but a costly LIE-beral effort to squeeze a little more gravy out of us! By offering tax incentives- LIE-berals are hoping to lure dealers and buyers out of the shadows in exchange for gravy- it’s the usual bait and switch crap- the incentive is small but the tax bill is LARGE and the only winners are the HOGS who already get too much gravy as it is! AS my father in law said when he got a govt rebate for his windows: “I dont NEED the money but I WILL take it because the govt already wastes so much I feel entitled! It is not a pretty philosophy but it IS what many Cdns have come to thanks to LIE-beral GREED! Too many Cdns are more focussed on getting money from govt rather than what they can earn on the job!) =================================================================================================================================== While one solar energy supplier in Tecumseh calls Ford's move an "assault on green energy," Unconquered Sun's founder and CEO Sean Moore said he doesn't need incentives to sell his product. (No incentives needed? GOOD! I wish the guy well! But if I was a banker I might want to watch his books carefully!) "Solar energy is able to stand on its own two feet, just being sold on its merits and what it does for people and how it eliminates electrical costs," Moore said. ==================================================================================================================================== (If solar power is able to truly stand on its own two feet then WHY did LIE-berals offer up green energy deals that cost up to 900 percent MORE than other forms of electricity generation? Oh- right- there is that phrase again: “GRAVY FOR LIE-BERAL PALS”!) ==================================================================================================================================== None of Unconquered Sun's promotional material contained information about government incentives because those were considered "icing on the cake." Instead, his team pitches the fact that the monthly cost of solar panels is less than your hydro bill, which gets eliminated. That, he says, sells itself. ==================================================================================================================================== (No mention of govt incentives on the promotional literature? Should we smell a RAT here? A cynic like myself- who expects the WORST of human nature- will immediately wonder just how much of a govt rebate actually makes it into customer hands? And how much does the typical customer know about available govt rebates? Is there sometimes some deceit here in this business? Sour guys like myself meanly assume there is- not that any LIE-beral would ever audit the books to find out- buyer and tax payer beware is a LIE-beral axiom!) ==================================================================================================================================== Despite all of this, Moore said Ford's decision is still a "shot across the bow" and ultimately sets the province back when it comes to renewable energy and green initiatives — something Dohring wholeheartedly agrees with. The federal government has legislated targets when it comes to cutting greenhouse gas emissions that each province is required to comply with. =================================================================================================================================== (And other articles illustrate that we have NO HOPE of meeting those green house gas reduction targets!!!! Prime minster Harper was right to scorn the Kyoto Accord! And Our idiot Boy Justin was a FOOL for suggesting that the already disgraced Paris Accord was good for anything but some Selfies!) ==================================================================================================================================== "What the Ford government is going to do is simply making it much harder for Canada to meet its target. To the degree Canada, and the world, fails to meet that target, Mother Nature and physics are going to be really, really harsh to us," Dohring said. ==================================================================================================================================== (LIE-berals are selling us a HUGE load of fresh, ripe, straight from the back of the Bull, organic fertilizer here! LIE-berals want to pretend that they can save the environment by harassing a waitress who drives her car home from her late shift because she does not feel safe on the street on public transit thanks to LIE-beral hug a thug judges! Yes- LIE-berals expect us to cram ourselves into already overloaded and worn out public transit to save a few gallons of gas- while LIE-berals IGNORE the huge array of gas guzzling toys lined up on a typical Muskoka dock owned by a typical civil service union Hog!) ==================================================================================================================================== (And LIE-berals want to pick our pockets as we struggle to heat our homes- while they IGNORE the thousands of litres of gas burned by a Hog flying to Florida for some rounds of golf! LIE-berals DO NOT want to discuss just how fuel INEFFICIENT planes are or how quickly we could save the environment by cutting back on gravy for Hogs so Hogs will shrink their typically LARGE carbon foot print! Articles have already been written by respected researchers decrying air travel as the BIGGEST of all environmental influences- and LIE-berals are ignoring it! LIE-berals are not hunting for solutions to environmental problems, they are just sniffing out MORE GRAVY!) ============================================


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
(IN other word the mouldy green energy businesses that exist thanks to LIE-beral bribery will have a hard time surviving in the real world- were people ONLY buy your product if they feel it is worth while! And mouldy green energy is ONLY good for LIE-berals and their Hog pals! One has only to think of the guy on the news who will refuse to buy an electric car now that the $14 grand in govt gravy subsidies have been revoked! People who support mouldy green energy are doing so for GRAVY- and NOT for the environment!)
It is stupid to close down existing power facilities just when they are working almost pollution free. CO2 is used by plants so it is a very useful gas if we plan on living as we eat plants. O2 can rise above 20% and it won't hurt until it is in the 35% range. Coal and oil will run out, we should use as much as possible and when we are doing it develop the replacement so there is a smooth transition. It would be like making a city where not 1 chimney exists, that is easier to do in the Tropics than the Arctic.
The Gulf Stream is pretty steady so and underwater 'wind farm' seems like it would be an alternative that is never going to run out of fuel and it is there so there are no transportation cost other than construction and maintenance. Subs and surface ships with bots are the only tools needed as the other parts only need minor modifications and are already on the shelf. Ash is an issue, you should be able to use something alkaline to bring the PH level up to 7.6 and that should make it like stone dust and that is very useful in turning a brown spot on the ground into a green spot. Another option is tp leech the acid out and use a pipeline to take it to a desolate place off the coasts, trenches are expansion areas so they will always get deeper and the heat and gas they expel makes them the most desolate spots on the planet. That's not even getting into creative thinking possibilities. In 100 years this thread will be about looking for an option to 'green technologies' is to change the tilt of the planet as the wobble is makes us dizzy and a bit light-headed.
(The cost of solar systems- which get as much as 900 percent more for electricity than other generating systems, plus the insane LIE-beral promise to buy any and all mouldy green energy the Hogs produce- regardless of our needs at the time- is a MAJOR DRIVER of electrical cost- and a direct contribution to LIE-beral election defeat!)
That is why developing things is done on a small scale as they are proto-types that need tweaking before they are mass produced as their end of life is also part of their creation.
Farms could use the manure on-site for their needs and extra electricity is fed into the grid. Cover over the 'pond' and the gas is easy to collect in small amounts, build the pond tight and scrappers can be used to bring the solids out and that goes to the fields that grow that material that goes into silage for the animals onsite
(Good- let them bleed some other sucker dry and leave us alone! A lot of people went into the mouldy green energy biz with their eyes shut to reality! I know the asphalt shingles at the building supply place “guarantee they are good for 30 years”- but one has only to think of the name brand type that FAILED after 11 years! And how many people have added up the cost to remove, store and replace their roof top solar panels if the roof rots much faster than expected? Some brands of shingle rot faster than expected so should we ask what is the real life span of those costly new roof top solar panels?)
Rooftops should be herbal gardens in the summer and in the winter metal shed snow a lot better than shingles. Steep pitch or heated to make deep snow a problem that never shows up or is solved with the flip of a switch. Clay is a 50 year shingle at least, clay is also fire-proof on roofs and walls, we have lots and lots of clay and can bake it using solar means.
(If your house gets that cold while you are away that you are that uncomfortable arriving to a house that you left in the morning with low heat settings then I have to ask if you NEED MORE INSULATION- rather than a govt thermostat! And isnt THAT A LIE-BERAL GOAL- to get poorly insulated houses improved? Why- YES IT IS! LIE-berals even wanted to make us pay for energy audits of our house insulation and now LIE-berals are whining about the lack of free thermostats! Fancy govt thermostats simply mask how badly your house leaks heat since it revs up your furnace before you get home so you don’t know what a heat leaking sieve you bought!)
The energy company could simply lower the gas pressure at night for down-town areas and industrial areas as there are no people there more than 1/2 of the day. You would have to program your own thermostat if you didn't like their schedule, sound like a job for a 'smart device', meaning it listens to you and not the Government.
(What Ford is cancelling is simply a number of shameless LIE-beral vote buying give away`s that will NOT aid the environment! Having a fancy govt supplied thermostat means you are using MORE energy since your furnace activates sooner- BEFORE you get home rather than sitting dormant till you arrive to actually start using it!!)
JFK wanted to go to the moon, look at the shit that has caused. Nothing is written in stone, chasing something after you know it cannot be got is way over the stupid line.
(In other words it was a typical LIE-beral bait and switch deal! LIE-berals tell us that over 80 percent of ALL home maintenance is done under the table- the incentive programs are nothing but a costly LIE-beral effort to squeeze a little more gravy out of us! By offering tax incentives- LIE-berals are hoping to lure dealers and buyers out of the shadows in exchange for gravy- it’s the usual bait and switch crap- the incentive is small but the tax bill is LARGE and the only winners are the HOGS who already get too much gravy as it is! AS my father in law said when he got a govt rebate for his windows: “I dont NEED the money but I WILL take it because the govt already wastes so much I feel entitled! It is not a pretty philosophy but it IS what many Cdns have come to thanks to LIE-beral GREED! Too many Cdns are more focussed on getting money from govt rather than what they can earn on the job!)
Harper made it clear in his Cancun speech that the Canadian Government was going to take its direction from big biz rather than the voters. That plan has not been changed. Politicians do what they are told,they do not make of break policy.
(If solar power is able to truly stand on its own two feet then WHY did LIE-berals offer up green energy deals that cost up to 900 percent MORE than other forms of electricity generation? Oh- right- there is that phrase again: “GRAVY FOR LIE-BERAL PALS”!)
Off the grid places would find solar mot attractive that running miles of line to serve just a few people. He also knows this is the R&D time for green energy so expenses drop as time goes on, when it flattens out that is the time to look at high production.
(No mention of govt incentives on the promotional literature? Should we smell a RAT here? A cynic like myself- who expects the WORST of human nature- will immediately wonder just how much of a govt rebate actually makes it into customer hands? And how much does the typical customer know about available govt rebates? Is there sometimes some deceit here in this business? Sour guys like myself meanly assume there is- not that any LIE-beral would ever audit the books to find out- buyer and tax payer beware is a LIE-beral axiom!)
The industries decide get subsidies rather than the Government, you have it backwards, about who is giving the orders and who is carrying them out.
(And other articles illustrate that we have NO HOPE of meeting those green house gas reduction targets!!!! Prime minster Harper was right to scorn the Kyoto Accord! And Our idiot Boy Justin was a FOOL for suggesting that the already disgraced Paris Accord was good for anything but some Selfies!)
Man cannot change the weather on a global scale, 40,000 miles of oceanic rifts can and it has many times in the past.
(LIE-berals are selling us a HUGE load of fresh, ripe, straight from the back of the Bull, organic fertilizer here! LIE-berals want to pretend that they can save the environment by harassing a waitress who drives her car home from her late shift because she does not feel safe on the street on public transit thanks to LIE-beral hug a thug judges! Yes- LIE-berals expect us to cram ourselves into already overloaded and worn out public transit to save a few gallons of gas- while LIE-berals IGNORE the huge array of gas guzzling toys lined up on a typical Muskoka dock owned by a typical civil service union Hog!)

(And LIE-berals want to pick our pockets as we struggle to heat our homes- while they IGNORE the thousands of litres of gas burned by a Hog flying to Florida for some rounds of golf! LIE-berals DO NOT want to discuss just how fuel INEFFICIENT planes are or how quickly we could save the environment by cutting back on gravy for Hogs so Hogs will shrink their typically LARGE carbon foot print! Articles have already been written by respected researchers decrying air travel as the BIGGEST of all environmental influences- and LIE-berals are ignoring it! LIE-berals are not hunting for solutions to environmental problems, they are just sniffing out MORE GRAVY!)
The proposed standards are bullshit, they are meant to such money out of the public coffers so our lives don't improve faster than they want it to. That makes them a threat rather than an asset.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
lol yes nasty liberals are constantly out spending the oil industry

we don't have to wonder who put together the phony assessment that was given to the government to base their decisions on



Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Ya. You didn't really understand at all.

How do you figure that calling it correctly equates to misunderstanding. Lol...completely clueless.

lol yes nasty liberals are constantly out spending the oil industry

we don't have to wonder who put together the phony assessment that was given to the government to base their decisions on

Was Harper in power in 2016? No? Guess you're just talking out of your ass again.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's a public utility as a Crown asset. They tried the hard way first.

Different ballgame and hard sledding coming for BC logistics companies and motorists.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Nothing has changed.

The project must be reviewed by "independent" scientists - not those who remain after a years long purge by Harper.

That review is passed onto to cabinet in order to base their decisions on.

that is the process


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Nothing has changed.

The project must be reviewed by "independent" scientists - not those who remain after a years long purge by Harper.

That review is passed onto to cabinet in order to base their decisions on.

that is the process

"Nonetheless, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) — the union that represents tens of thousands of federal government scientists — says the Trudeau government is continuing a Harper government communications policy that prevents scientists from participating in conferences.

Moreover, "a communications policy was issued by (the Trudeau government) with the intention to end ‘muzzling’ but its implementation remains uneven across science-based departments," PIPSC says in a submission to Finance Minister Bill Morneau."

"And yet, the Liberal ministers in charge of nine major federal departments that employ scientists told Parliament in writing earlier this year that when they took over from the Tories they did not change a thing when it came to communication policies for scientists.

"No internal memos, directives or emails were sent to federal scientists since (the Liberals took office) concerning the communication of scientific research and the approval process for speaking to the media," Health Minister Jane Philpott told Parliament in writing.

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna wrote that "while media requests (to speak to scientists) on policy, enforcement and international affairs require departmental approvals, this is not the case for science requests."
McKenna said that policy had been in place at least since 2008, long before the Liberals took over.

The Sun has also learned that McKenna is on track this year to make the biggest-ever year-over-year cut in the number of scientists her department employs. She’ll finish this fiscal year as the boss of 3,386 scientists, a far cry from the all-time high of 3,830 scientists employed at Environment Canada just two years ago under the Harper regime.

Ministers and parliamentary secretaries from other departments that employ scientists made similar statements in writing."
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
An independent scientist would be one who is free to work without fearing for his job if he comes up with the wrong conclusion.

They should have the qualifications suitable for the work they are doing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
"Nonetheless, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) — the union that represents tens of thousands of federal government scientists — says the Trudeau government is continuing a Harper government communications policy that prevents scientists from participating in conferences.

Moreover, "a communications policy was issued by (the Trudeau government) with the intention to end ‘muzzling’ but its implementation remains uneven across science-based departments," PIPSC says in a submission to Finance Minister Bill Morneau."

"And yet, the Liberal ministers in charge of nine major federal departments that employ scientists told Parliament in writing earlier this year that when they took over from the Tories they did not change a thing when it came to communication policies for scientists.

"No internal memos, directives or emails were sent to federal scientists since (the Liberals took office) concerning the communication of scientific research and the approval process for speaking to the media," Health Minister Jane Philpott told Parliament in writing.

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna wrote that "while media requests (to speak to scientists) on policy, enforcement and international affairs require departmental approvals, this is not the case for science requests."
McKenna said that policy had been in place at least since 2008, long before the Liberals took over.

The Sun has also learned that McKenna is on track this year to make the biggest-ever year-over-year cut in the number of scientists her department employs. She’ll finish this fiscal year as the boss of 3,386 scientists, a far cry from the all-time high of 3,830 scientists employed at Environment Canada just two years ago under the Harper regime.

Ministers and parliamentary secretaries from other departments that employ scientists made similar statements in writing."
But Canada’s back , remember all those government employees dancing with glee on Trudeau’s first day at parliament . All those unshackled scientists and bureaucrats streaming from their offices to welcome the saviour . Welcome the new boss sameas the old boss .

An independent scientist would be one who is free to work without fearing for his job if he comes up with the wrong conclusion.

They should have the qualifications suitable for the work they are doing.
Is an independent scientist allowed to disprove global warming ?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
An independent scientist is allowed to tell the truth and not get fired by Steven Harper.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Harper's war on science still reverberates today.

The reason the study was inept was directly because of the people Harper left on place.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
True, but it is still the pussy way out and sets president


Perhaps Alberta oil workers would be a little less angry if we reminded them that FCUKED UP LIE- beral poliocy is also screwing over Ontari-owe manufacturers and Quebec dairy workers?????????

And of course natural gas producers in Saskatchewan and Manitoba are also getting the shaft from LIE-beral refusal to allow pipelines to be built!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is reason to suspect that in 2019, a WHOLE LOT of Cdns will be asking WHY ANYBODY WOULD BE FOOL ENOUGH TO TRUST LIE-BERALS!!!!!! EVER again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how messed up LIE-beral priorities have become. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Forget the activists, regular Canadians support Trans Mountain

By Candice Malcolm. Published: April 11, 2018. Updated: April 11, 2018 5:47 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Trudeau needs to move from words to action on Kinder Morgan

The silent majority of Canadians were represented on Tuesday, in a large rally in support of Canada’s natural resource sector. Thousands gathered in Calgary to show their support for Western Canadian industry, and to urge the continuation of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline.

(Reality is that the great majority of Cdns BUY oil- mainly for their cars to get to work! WE know that if cars all stopped working this evening- there would be only a very small minority of people who could get to work tomorrow on our already over crowded public transit! Huge numbers of Cdns either work shifts that do not permit us to use transit or we live in small places that either have very limited transit- or no transit at all! And as mentioned- transit in cities is ALREADY OVERLOADED at rush hour! Given LIE-beral foot dragging- FOR DECADES- on building new transit most of us do not have public transit as a realistic option!)

( The nasty reality of climate change means we must have public agreement to dispose of NON ESSENTIAL USE of oil- being used for all manner of gas guzzling TOYS! Bullying Cdns who are driving to work of necessity will not save the environment- but cutting back on civil service union Hog gravy WILL REDUCE the number of sea doos, riding lawn mowers, atv`s and airline trips to play golf in Florida- with all these machines being randomly ridden around by people who NEED more exercise anyway! LIE-beral policy thus far is self defeating- it punishes people who already have the smallest carbon foot print and supplies extra gravy to those who have the largest carbon foot print- it`s a LUNATIC FAILURE!)

It was a strong showing, a moral victory for working Canadians, and a firm response to far-left activists and radical environmentalists who hold our system hostage to push their narrow ideological dogma.

(The radicals would have us living in wig-wams and eating our daily ration of dandelion greens cold because wood is sacred and NOT for heating or cooking! LIE-berals will destroy the economy and shrug because we did not “prepare and protect” ourselves properly from LIE-beral policy! In their eyes its ALL OUR fault LIE-beral policy is failing at every turn- just as it was the bankers fault that NDPer Bob Rae could not make us rich with borrowed money! Socialism is never wrong- they always insist it is outsiders who betrayed them- and that is a LIE ! )

Unlike the foreign-funded sit-ins on Burnaby Mountain near Vancouver, where protesters break the law and local authorities don’t always have the stomach to stop them, the Alberta rally was both peaceful and lawful. Private property was respected, there was no violence and no arrests were made.

(Yes- Yankee “super pac” political groups happily interfere in our politics- for THEIR fun and profit! If LIE-berals hut down Alberta oil then it lets Yankee oil rise in value as the shortages hit! The Suzuki Foundation alone has admitted to getting millions from influence peddling foreigners- with other alleged “charities” having had their charity status removed by Harper Conservatives for over stepping political and social boundaries with questionable antics! But LIE-berals close their eyes to nasty foreign influence and political manipulation in Canada!)

It was an energetic rally with a simple yet powerful message: build the pipeline, and let Canadians get back to work.

Kinder Morgan announced on Sunday it would stop non-essential funding of the $7.4 billion project to upgrade the existing pipeline and triple its capacity. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation says this project, if completed, will contribute a whopping $46.7 billion in tax revenues across Canada over the next two decades.

(Our idiot Boy Justin keeps telling people Canada is open for business but the pipe
line owners who got permission to build and then spent over $3 billion dollars Cdn and then had their permission taken away by the LIE-berals would disagree! And General Motors seems to be sitting on the side lines waiting to see what happens with our Ontari-owe election- GM seems to think the LIE-berals carbon tax is a major handicap- especially since all it does is clean wallets and leaves dirt in the air! Its as if LIE-berals have deliberately chosen to create legal chaos in those businesses they despise! Certainly LIE-berals have provoked a Trump tade war by ignoring national security and crime issues! )

The federal government gave the project the green light back in 2016, but the approval is being challenged in court by a group of activists supported by the provincial NDP government in British Columbia. B.C. Premier John Horgan is also musing about banning ships carrying Alberta’s oil from BC’s coast.

(B.C. legal advisors have told premier Horgan he has no legal leg to stand on- federal authority supersedes his and shipping is regulated only by Federal Ministry. But it looks like LIE-berals will follow standard bait and switch crap- stall the pipe line till after the next election and then let it die of old age and neglect- Kinder- Morgan is already preparing to abandon it in disgust- while Our idiot |Boy insists Canada is open for business- sometimes- maybe!)

This is a major blow to Canadian unity, and undermines the core tenet of our confederation.

(Its also going to be a major sour note for bond rating companies- with Ontari-owe ALREADY under a cloud of desperate debt- our only hope of avoiding major provincial trouble is the probability that likely to be elected Ford Conservatives will be able to calm the bankers and salvage some of our credit rating! Not that Ford will be able to compensate if Our idiot Boy manages to piss off Trump any further with Cdn NAFTA stupidity and national security garbage- and then kills the Kinder Morgan pipeline! Cdns desperately NEED the tax revenue from oil sales to pay the massive debts run up by tax mad LIE-berals!)

Kinder Morgan says the project will be scrapped entirely unless the feds can resolve the legal and jurisdictional issues by May 31. This puts the pressure on Trudeau to come up with a plan.

But instead, Trudeau is nowhere to be found.

(Yes- Our idiot Boy eventually had a quick meeting with B.C. Horgan and Alberta Notley and then skipped off to Paris for selfies- leaving Notley to announce that oil shipments to B.C. would be CURTAILED! The meeting did not fix anything!)

He didn’t meet with Premier Horgan while in B.C. last week, and he didn’t show up to the rally in Calgary on Tuesday. He took a “personal day” on Wednesday – skipping work for reasons unknown – and now, he’s leaving on a 10-day round-the-world trip to attend more international summits and conferences.

(He made a speech before the French parliament that will set the tone for future LIE-beral speeches- with both cheers and BOOS coming his way! The boo birds have previously skipped Trudope speeches- it’s a bad sign they are appearing now- the bloom is off the idiot lily- even in places they do not know him well!)

Trudeau’s record as Prime Minister has been focussed on promoting his own image as a climate change champion on the global stage.

His government spent millions of dollars to showcase their environmental efforts in Paris and Davos, agreeing to impossible commitments and coming up with new schemes, like the job-killing carbon tax, to tie our hands behind our back.

Far from championing jobs and economic growth, Trudeau goes out of his way to wink and nod at those who work to demonize Canadian oil. His policies killed both the Northern Gateway and Energy East pipelines, and Trudeau himself has said he wants to “phase out” oil sands projects.

(Shipping Alberta oil east would end our need to buy oil for eastern Canada from Venezuela- oil that is produced under regulations more relaxed and careless than ours! Such a policy change would put Cdns to work and aid our balance of trade- and make sure oil is produced under the cleanest regulations available!)

Trudeau’s latest plan calls for natural resource projects to undergo a “sex and gender” evaluation before being approved. Imagine a review to decide whether oil is gender neutral.

(Apparently LIE-berals think oil has a gender? Or maybe its our cars that have it?)

Contrast Trudeau’s weaseling with the vibrant crowd in Calgary.

Unlike Trudeau, Canadians understand that we already have the world’s strongest environmental regime and that our industry sets the standard on safety and trust. Canadians are realistic about the need to develop our natural resources and get our product to market.

Everyday Canadians are standing up and fighting for our economy and our way of life. Trudeau, meanwhile, is off enjoying another international junket – flying around the world on his own personal jet. Must be nice to be a liberal hypocrite.

(In related irony- Chinese are just as unhappy about air pollution as many Cdns and would like to phase out their coal usage and burn more clean natural gas if only they could get a reliable supply- like the natural gas Cdns could produce if only there was LIE-beral permission to build a pipeline for exports!)

(LIE-berals keep talking about creating good jobs for Cdns- too bad that for every private sector job created- there are a couple more UN-AFFORDABLE civil service union Hog jobs created- its LIE-beral vote buying on an costly and un-sustainable scale and it has an ugly comparison to the job creation habits of dictators who routinely put preferred citizens to work for govt- as a way of buying their silence and minimizing public discontent! Saddam Hussein had over 50 percent of the entire Iraqi population working for HIS govt before the Gulf War- dictators enjoy buying votes! And currently one employed Cdn in three is a privileged and grossly entitled civil service union Hog dedicated to supporting LIE-berals at any price- and the number of greedy Hogs RISES regularly! )