Free MP3 Tagger Download

My ID3 Editor

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Update Submitted 1 Mar 2016
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My ID3 Editor is a user-friendly application that can be used whenever you want to change the metadata of your favourite songs. You can correct the album name or artist, as well as the front cover image or the release date.

In addition, this software solution also allows you to play your tracks while you are modifying their tags.

MP3 ID3 tags are used to store important information of a music track, such as the track 'title', track 'number', 'artist', 'album' etc.

Version 2.5.0 is a freeware program which does not have restrictions and it's free so it doesn't cost anything.

Virus and Malware Tests:
For security reasons, you should also check out the My ID3 Editor download at which includes virus and malware tests. Additional screenshots of this application download may be available, too.
Download File

Download My ID3 Editor

1.8 MB - Filesize


Publisher: Javad Taheri
License: Freeware
OS/Platform: Windows 7, Windows 8 / Vista / XP
Filesize: 1.8 MB
Filename: myid3editor_setup.exe
Cost (Full Version): Free
3 out of 5 based on 7 ratings.
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Software from Javad Taheri, including My ID3 Editor - Download is rated 5 out of 10