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Microsoft .NET Core

Microsoft NET Core Icon
8.0.8 Runtime
Update Submitted 18 Aug 2024
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Create beautiful apps and scalable cloud services, faster and easier with the free, open-source platform that's loved by developers and trusted by organizations.

.NET is a free and open-source project, developed and maintained on GitHub, the home for millions of developers who want to build great things together.

.NET helps you build apps for web, mobile, desktop, cloud, and more. With its large supportive ecosystem and powerful tooling, .NET is the most productive platform for developers.

Version 8.0.8 Runtime is a freeware program which does not have restrictions and it's free so it doesn't cost anything.

Virus and Malware Tests:
For security reasons, you should also check out the Microsoft .NET Core download at which includes virus and malware tests. Additional screenshots of this application download may be available, too.
Download File

Download Microsoft .NET Core

22.6 MB - Filesize


Publisher: Microsoft
License: Freeware
OS/Platform: Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XP
Filesize: 22.6 MB
Filename: windowsdesktop-runtime-8....
Cost (Full Version): Free
3 out of 5 based on 1 rating.
TrustRank Based on many factors, we give this program a Trust rating of 5 / 10.
Software from Microsoft, including Microsoft .NET Core - Download is rated 5 out of 10