Free Bluetooth Program Download

Bluetooth Stack Switcher

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Update Submitted 8 May 2019
About this software:

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Bluetooth Stack Switcher Screenshot
Bluetooth Stack Switcher screenshot
Switch between different bluetooth stacks in just several seconds or less, with two mouse clicks. No reboot required. Note, Bluetooth Stack Switcher does not contain any bluetooth drivers, all needed bluetooth stacks should be already installed and configured.

From bluetoothstackswitcher:

Virus and Malware Tests: For security reasons, you should also check out the Bluetooth Stack Switcher download at which includes virus and malware tests. Additional screenshots of this application download may be available, too.
Download File


Publisher: bluetoothstackswitcher
License: Freeware
OS/Platform: Windows 7, Windows 8 (64-bit, 32-bit) / Vista / XP
Filesize: 3.73 MB
Filename: BluetoothStackSwitcher-1....
Cost (Full Version): Free
3.2 out of 5 based on 5 ratings.
TrustRank Based on many factors, we give this program a Trust rating of 6 / 10.
Software from bluetoothstackswitcher, including Bluetooth Stack Switcher - Download is rated 6 out of 10