Britain and Ireland involved in asylum seeker row


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

Britain and the Republic of Ireland have become embroiled in a row over asylum seekers.

Ireland is saying that asylum seekers are crossing over the border from Northern Ireland to the Republic and says it wants to return the illegals to Britain.

However, Britain - which is not part of the EU and therefore can do what it likes - says it will not accept the illegals back if the EU does not allow it to then dump them into Ireland's fellow EU bitch France.

That is probably unlikely, but the illegals are still the EU's problem as they are now still in the EU.

The Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris says "a deal is in place" between the two countries. Britain, however, says "Fuck you."

Meanwhile, the Irish people are pissed with their Government for the huge amount of immigration. One in five people in Ireland are now not born in Ireland.

Funny as fuck...

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
GB News: Jacob Rees-Mogg: "We owe Ireland and the EU nothing in terms of refugee returns."

An independent Britain's policy of sending its illegals to Rwanda has caused many of them to flee to Ireland. Therefore, Britain's Rwanda policy is proving an effective deterrent and is causing the illegals to be Ireland's and the EU's problem.

In fact, Britain can now just dump its illegals along its Irish border and let them enter that country, as the Irish and the EU will be happy to accept them in order to fulfil their glorious human rights record.

Thank God for Brexit. Another victory.

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Britain: "Why should we take Ireland migrants back when we can't send anyone back to France?"

Britain is taking a tough line against the Irish in the war of words between the two neighbours over migrants.

Non-EU Britain wants to send its illegals to Rwanda but this threat has driven many of them over the border to the Republic of Ireland. Ireland wants to send them back to Britain but Britain refuses to take them back because she can't dump them in her other next door neighbour France. Ireland is now deploying 100 police officers along her border with her large neighbour (although I don't think that'll change things, somehow).

EU state Ireland has been trying to play hardball with Britain over Brexit and her immigration policy but now Ireland is being hoisted by her own petard and Brexit Britain is on the front foot and pulling that petard tighter. This is the same Ireland that attacked Britain for wanting border controls after Brexit and which believed in EU freedom of movement!

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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I'm on the Brits' side in this one. The rule for refugees is "first safe country." After that, it goes according to the various arrangements between countries.