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  1. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    I see a report that old Donnie is playing dumb about the charges he has just been convicted of. One would think that the 6 weeks he was in court would have clued him in, but maybe he was a sleep too much, or maybe he is a slow learner. In stead of putting him in jail, maybe they should send...
  2. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    so, what is the plan for Donald H. Trump now. Instead of working on a defence plan for the future trials will he spend his time master planing to get even about the conviction?
  3. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    I guess that we know the verdict now, what is anybody’s guess he will do now? My thoughts that he will whine and complain rather than work on believable defences for his appeal. Now we have to realize that he may not have any defence other than I am innocent, not realizing that when he said he...
  4. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    We now hear that Donald may be being sued for the third time by Ms Carrol, and someone is speculating that he will loose again, penalty of 500 million. After getting kicked in the nuts for 5 million, 83 million and he still wants get even, by doing the same thing again makes little sense. If...
  5. J

    Pro-Palestine Anti-Israel College Campus Protests

    Should we remember that in about 1948, Israel defeated the Palestinians in a war. The UN got involved trying to stop the war, by saying that Israel had allow the Palestinians land, and they did, in Gaza, and the West Bank. Did this stop the problem, Gaza is a no-man’s land, West Bank is being...
  6. J

    Pro-Palestine Anti-Israel College Campus Protests

    While people have the right to protest, they should not be allowed to protest to convince Canadian governments and or universities to meet their demands and views. Canada should not be asked to agree with them, and then do something to achieve what they want. If they are serious about their...
  7. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    I see on the internet that old Donnie “Von-Shits-has-pants” has decided to not Testify at his trial. This is after him saying that he would be there on the witness stand as he can convince the jury that he is innocent, after lying some 33,000 times before.
  8. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    I see on social media that Eric Trump brings to light that his dad has been charged with 34 counts of fraud, while Al Capone was only charged once. Is what Eric is saying is that Al Capone was 34 times smarter than Donald Trump? Is what Eric is saying is that Donald Trump did 34 times the...
  9. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    We hear reports from old Donnie about it being cold in the court room. Would it be out of order to suggest that if he paid all of his fines and judgments, they would be able to turn up the heat. Having increased the heat by one half degree, he would whine that he is too hot. Oh, is his female...
  10. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    Does anyone know if a suggestion has been made to old Donnie that instead of mouthing off on his UN-truth social, for him to spend his time devising a defence that has merit in court, rather that saying he is innocent. I think that society in USA, have the idea that he has lied before, and if...
  11. J

    Trudeau’s Newest New Carbon Tax

    And what is important is that the GST is added to this tax, without any input tax credit. Sounds like what every PIMP, would.
  12. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    Sounds like old Donnie is starting up a “Walmart“ lookalike.! Bibles!
  13. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    It’s apparent that you speak a different language (Republican) than most of the public (English). The bank did nothing that could be considered to be fraudulent, they lent the money, unless you admit that lending money to someone, like dishonest Donnie, paints the bank with the same brush. Do...
  14. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    What did the bank do that was fraudulent?
  15. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    When you talk about land values, I am sure the judge took into consideration that he asked that city what assessed values they had placed on it. Old Donnie is too old to understand that he should keep his mouth shut, from what can be interpreted is that he gets to feel IMPOTANT, when he barges...
  16. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    It is so hard the get a straight answer from anyone. you say old Donnie does not have cash, we hear reports that Donnie has $400,000,000.
  17. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    More whinning from old Donnie, he is hav trouble getting someone to back him for his 454 fine letter of backing, after he cont some 30 insurance companies. Maybe someone should tell him that if he was honest, ( joke of the century) he would have a chance of getting better results. When...
  18. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    Now we hear about old Donnie having to say that he may have to sell off assets in order to pay off his court assessed fine of 454 Million dollars. Has anyone taken him aside and explained why he is in the position he is in, you did things wrong, not by your laws, but by the laws of USA...
  19. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    We hear that the Republican party are telling their voters to start sending us money as we only have 9 million in the bank to spend on all the campaign promises they need to spend. This is as at March 16th or so. We have heard that Biden raised 42 million in January. One of the issues that the...
  20. J

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    What I see as a way for old Donnie to get the money together for his 454 million dollar law suit is for him to sell the information that he has that was removed from the government when he left the White House. Knowing him, he is waiting until the last possible day to bring the documents to...