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    23 Unusual Ways To Die In The US In One Handy Map

    I thought this was kind of cool, although the causes of death kind of surprised me...okay, maybe shocked would be a better word but they were interesting. …in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” quoted Benjamin Franklin in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy...
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    Baltimore is now going into a state of emergency....

    riots are now completely out of control and escalating rapidly Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency today following a violent gathering in Baltimore, where people threw objects at police, set cars on fire and looted businesses. Hogan also activated the National Guard...
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    Judge rules in favour of a father in a fight over vaccination

    Girl must be given measles vaccine before trip to Europe, judge rules A 10-year-old Kitchener girl must receive the measles vaccine before travelling to Germany, a judge has ruled. The child’s parents are separated and have joint custody of their daughter. They were in court last...
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    Is this punishment unfair

    Married locum GP who fondled teenager's breasts in 'moment of madness' when she came to him with chest pains is jailed Dr Unt Tun Maung, 43, working as a locum GP on Teesside at time of attack He asked vulnerable girl to remove her bra before cupping her breasts Court told he was a clever...
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    anyone? I haven't fact can't even find it...the whole season must be somewhere?
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    Fear The Walking Dead

    and away we go...........................................zoom Walking Dead Spin-Off Series Won't Remain a Prequel by Mark Newton ⋅ Posted on March 20th, 2015 at 9:37am There are still plenty of questions about the upcoming Walking Dead spin-off, although it seems we finally have an...
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    Horrific Attack on Pregnant Woman Answering Craigslist Ad Leaves Baby Dead

    A pregnant woman was attacked after responding to an ad on Craigslist for baby clothes, according to police. The suspect allegedly lured the seven-months-pregnant woman to a Longmont home Wednesday afternoon, beat her, cut out her baby and stole the child, authorities said. Police say...
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    What parenting really looks like

    #1 My Daughter Likes Me To Wear Hair-bows With Her #2 A Table Is A Table #3 Really Bro? #4 Just Being A Dad...
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    This is so calming, take a two minute break

    Check out the video in the link Something Is About To Spring Up In This Forest In A Spectacular Way This is an excerpt from a 3D documentary film by Louie Schwartzberg that features renowned mycologist and author, Paul Stamets, who claims that mushrooms can save the world. Now, that...
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    The Canadians are at it again

    smarten up Canada Bank of Canada urges ‘Star Trek’ fans to stop ‘Spocking’ their fivers Bank of Canada is pleading with Star Trek fans to stop “Spocking” its five dollar bills. Since Leonard Nimoy’s death, Canadian folks have been “Spocking” the hell out of the five dollar bill that...
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    OMG....youth today

    17-year-old Mighty Girl Cynthia Lam of Melbourne, Australia wants to help people living without access to clean water and electricity -- and this ingenious young inventor has developed a device that can purify water and generate electricity using only the power of the sun! Cynthia is now...
  12. S horrendous accident

    Alberta mother trying to kill bedbugs with imported pesticide accidentally poisoned children, killing baby A mother trying to kill bed bugs in her Fort McMurray apartment used an imported pesticide that fatally poisoned her infant and left her other children critically ill. The substance...
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    Happy Video of the Day

    I love how the kids can be heard cheering for it
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    The Drop Box Film

    Anyone heard of this movie yet? It will be released next month. Every human life is sacred and worthy of love Hundreds of unwanted babies are abandoned on the streets of Seoul, South Korea, every year, forgotten by the surrounding culture. The Drop Box is a...
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    3 Toronto cops charged in gang sex assault

    TORONTO - Three Toronto Police officers were freed Thursday on bail only hours after being charged with gang sexual assault and sexual assault for an incident last month in a downtown hotel. Joshua Cabero, Leslie Nyznik and Sameer Kara were swiftly freed on $15,000 bail with strict...
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    Niagara Falls and the ice

    I love Niagara Falls. Some of the first pictures of me as a toddler are at the Falls. I try to get there at least once in the summer. If we can stay for a few days we sometimes rough it at a place on the river or go for the spa treatment in one of the hotels over looking the falls. They have...
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    Ontario's possible plan for slower speed limits faces a bumpy road ahead

    School zones are an obvious place to slow down, but Ontario is looking to expand lower limits further The Ontario government is currently considering reducing speed limits in residential areas as part of a plan to protect pedestrians in the case of automobile accidents. In many ways...
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    Stan Mikita facing 'serious health issues' per family statement

    Some sad news coming out of the Blackhawks organization. Team all-time leading scorer Stan Mikita is apparently facing some “serious health issues” according to a statement released by his family. It was circling around Twitter this morning, but Mark Lazerus of the Chicago Sun-Times...
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    AirAsia captain left seat before jet lost control: sources

    SINGAPORE/JAKARTA/PARIS (Reuters) - The captain of the AirAsia jet that crashed into the sea in December was out of his seat conducting an unusual procedure when his co-pilot apparently lost control, and by the time he returned it was too late to save the plane, two people familiar with the...
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    Slide the City aims to bring giant Slip 'n Slide to 17 Canadian cities

    A participant takes a ride at a Slide the City event in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2014. A Slip ‘n Slide about to be sent on a cross-continent summer tour is expected to splash into more than a dozen Canadian cities, while facing opposition elsewhere for the excessive use of water. And could...