Recent content by Serryah

  1. Serryah


    Except for the ones who, you know, ARE left alone and go on with their lives, until one of you assholes decide to make things an issue, then they correct your ignorant ass and then you get butthurt. Yes, being an obnoxious, idiotic fuck is a trait and you display that trait SO well.
  2. Serryah

  3. Serryah


    You do and you have. The only reason it might be "stuck in your face" is you decided to be a total asshole to a trans person and they corrected your ignorant ass. Not likely. Yes, you do. You absolutely do. Else you wouldn't be this pissed about it continually. And you just proved you DO...
  4. Serryah


    Yes, you do. Else you wouldn't give a damn what someone's gender is. But you care if OTHER people are male or not? So you don't give a damn if you're misgendered then? If you do give a damn, then yes, you ARE "making demands"; you're demanding people recognize you as the gender YOU think...
  5. Serryah


    No you're not. Your piss is a different color? Texture? Something about it not the same as a woman? No, you're not. A dickless man is not a man. (or they aren't according to some people and funnily enough, they're all like you; hateful bigots.) You want gender to mean a certain thing...
  6. Serryah

    Refugee/Migrant Crisis

  7. Serryah


    Are you male or female? How do you know? If we cut "parts" off of you (if you claim you are only whatever gender because of your parts), are you still male/female? That IS what you want, right? That's how it'll work? No? You're right. Doesn't matter the answers to those questions...
  8. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel
  9. Serryah


    Pretty much. Gods forbid that gender be more complicated than some can handle.
  10. Serryah


    LOL - thank you for showing your ignorance, Taxie. It's not, of course, a matter of "not remembering" which gender I am. Rather knowing that I am not *just* the one I look like. But it's not like you would get that, or want to get it. It's okay to be afraid, Taxie, just stop trying to push...
  11. Serryah

    Forgotten Genocide

  12. Serryah


    Yes, but let's not let reality get in the way of the fantasy/hysterical fiction. Gender and sex used to be combined because people thought the two were the same. Then we learned they're not. Gender is a shitton more complex than actual 'sex' - or the parts your born with and the "feelings"...
  13. Serryah


    Guess the Trans person, no Google. Pretend you're seeing them go into a bathroom.
  14. Serryah

    Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19

    So Pierre invoking Marshal Law was not a good idea? He should'a left things as they were? Interesting point of view.