The path to peace III

By Naman Crowe
July 02, 2007
According to the American Constitution, only Congress has the authority to declare war. Common sense and common logic would have to agree that it naturally follows that Congress has the authority to declare peace.

The American Constitution does not give the President the authority to declare war or peace. It only gives him the authority to serve as commander-in-chief of the armed forces during the time of war.

So, what’s the problem? Why can’t Congress just declare the war in Iraq a mistake from the beginning and declare peace on our part and remove ourselves from the bloody conflict that we ignited and turned into an inferno? An inferno that will only grow hotter the longer we’re there to fan the flames.

The Constitution also gives Congress power to remove from office the president or any other civil officer of the United States “on impeachment for, and on conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

So, what’s the problem?

The rules are there and the mechanism is in place and if there was ever a need to take advantage of the Constitutional rule and mechanism for bringing a president to trial through the impeachment process, this is it.

Never in the history of our Republic have we had such outstanding and obvious evidence of a conspiracy on the part of a president, vice president and secretary of state of lying and giving false witness to Congress, the American people and the world for the purpose of breaking International Law and attacking a sovereign nation without just cause.

That’s not even to mention the many others within the executive branch that went along with it. It’s not even to mention the savage butchery of the very Constitution that they swore to defend – the big cuts that they hacked from our personal liberties by way of illegal wiretaps and the like.

It’s not even to mention the torture and the lying about it, the secret torture prisons and lying about it. It’s not to mention the general theme of this administration of lying and misleading as a matter common practice and protocol.

Bush, Cheney and Rice have never admitted to lying to Congress and fixing the intelligence to fit the policy of a preemptive strike and invasion of Iraq. If they did cross over the line and knowingly participated in this alleged deception, it was the biggest, bloodiest and most damnable lie ever told by a sitting American president and his major cohorts in our history.

If it’s true that the American government has developed a cancer in a major organ that is spreading throughout the body politic, threatening to destroy the nation itself and throw the world eventually into the flames of nuclear war, the core and stem of that cancer grew up out of the Executive Branch with the conception and deliverance of that original lie.

Many, perhaps even the majority, say that it is no longer important how we got into this war but how to win it now that we’ve lost so many lives and spent so much money on it for the past four years.

They argue that to leave now before the Terrorists have been conquered would result in an even greater bloodbath, allowing the Terrorists to win the War on Terror and come after our blood on our streets and in our villages and put the whole world in immanent danger of mass destruction and living hell.

Poppycock! And I don’t say that lightly or with any sense of mental superiority over the majority of the monkeys in the tree. I say it with extreme regret and lack of hope for the modern character of the American Mind, from the wise and highly educated to the most ignorant loudmouth and flag-waving numbskull on the block.

The only way to win this war and return some amount of sanity back to the world is to remove this cancer at the stem through the Constitutional process of impeachment and the chemotherapy of shining the light of truth on every diseased part.

Common sense and plain logic should tell us that if the president and his cohorts lied, they believed that they were lying for the good of America and the cause of freedom and democracy in the world.

It should naturally follow, given the fact that they have been allowed to get away with the lie, that they still believe the lie to be a valid and useful tool in the hands of wise and patriotic humans in defense of their country and for the good of all mankind.

Mark you that change in the philosophical character of the American mind. The use of the big lie for the common good is a sophistication that is certainly not new, but never have we seen it so widely and openly accepted as when George W. Bush grabbed the horns of 9/11 and rode that bull for all it was worth in the name of Jesus and his own personal glory.

That compassionate, conservative Texan is still riding that bull and he still believes that the lie, in the hands of a good, patriotic Christian blessed with an ear that can hear the Lord, is just a tool, like any other tool such as the spur, the rope and the gun, and is an integral part of his grip, to be used as necessary in defense of Country and Constitution.

The fact remains that this cancerous lie has resulted in the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands, and unless the cancer is removed this senseless death toll will only continue to grow until we reach the point of no return and no hope.

In the end, it will be the truth, and the separation of the truth from the lie, that will be the only hope for America to sustain the leadership status that it has achieved and be able to light the way to peace and goodwill throughout the world.

There is no logical reason to keep America from doing this, except for a giant mountain of poppycock which we have allowed to grow since dropping the first atomic bomb on innocent civilians and allowing the deaths of hundreds of thousands to convince us that God loves us best.

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