The path to peace I

By Naman Crowe
July 02, 2007
There are several things that we need to do at the same time and as soon as possible if we are to save our Great Republic and put the world on the path to peace and goodwill among nations.

We must force Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against the president, the vice president and the secretary of state.

Concurrently with this Constitutional procedure, we must force Congress to do its Constitutional duty and correct our illegal warfare in the Middle East by declaring peace and withdrawing our troops.

In order to accomplish these things, a majority of Americans have to reevaluate their thinking and not only step up into the light of higher reason but shine that light at every opportunity.

We saw a sluggish beginning of a movement in that direction with the mid-term elections that switched the majority in Congress from Republicans to Democrats, but that was not enough to accomplish the task.

Somehow a majority of voters have got to realize their Constitutional duty and understand that the Ship of State is owned by the people and that they have final authority and control over its course and actions.

The people have got to realize that under our Constitution, the buck was never intended to stop with the president, but to stop where it started – with the people.

The people have got to realize that they are responsible for the character of the nation and how the nation conducts itself in the world.

The people must be reeducated to the fact that our Republic and our form of democratic government can only endure as long as the people demand that it endure and understand their responsibilities and duty to preserve it under the guidelines of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Somehow the people must come to realize that it is their own fault that our Great Republic is coming apart at the seams even as it heads blindly into the fiery jaws of a world-wide atomic war that will have catastrophic consequences for the human race.

President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice must be impeached both as a matter of principle and necessity if we are to have any hope of untangling ourselves from this horrible mess and truly change our course as a nation.

There is certainly enough evidence out in the open to indicate that all three lied to Congress and the American people and participated in a conspiracy to fix the intelligence to fit a prearranged plan for the invasion of Iraq while using 9/11 as a pretext.

Not only must they be impeached, but all the rest who participated in the conspiracy must be held accountable and brought to justice, even those who no longer hold positions within the government.

It makes no difference that they all meant well and did what they did with the honest belief that they were acting in the best interest of America.

Good intentions are no excuse. If their good intentions required them to lie to Congress, the American people and the United Nations in order to carry out a prearranged invasion of a sovereign nation, they stepped over into the realm of treason, high crimes and misdemeanors.

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