Canadian Arab Federation calls Harper a 'whore'

By Barry Artiste
March 02, 2009

It's never smart to call a federal cabinet minister a "*****" - not when you depend on him for money. But Khaled Mouammar, president of the Canadian Arab Federation, is a fearless man. At a recent anti-Israel rally, he referred to Immigration Minister Jason Kenney as a "professional *****" for supporting Israel.

"Ouch"!!! That's gotta Hurt! You know they say "Sticks and Stones will break your Bones", but calling the Government "*****s", especially the same Government Ministry which previously gave you close to $500,000.00 every year in Canadian Taxpayers Multicultural and Diversity Funds, certainly shows someone ain't particularly Bright in the Haid! Over to you Skeeter!

Course one would think a group like the Canadian Arab Federation, or the CAF who are always quick to use the Canadian Human Rights Commission as their Bestest Pal when they scream discrimination against anyone who looks sideways at them, whether imagined or not.

So in ending it certainly seems appropriate for our Canadian Conservative Government to take the CAF to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for calling them *****s! But the Canadian Government just lets the ***** Label slide off their backs, as they figure the best way for the CAF to learn is to cut off all Taxpayer Funding to their Organization, as the Government must feel the CAF at times are their worst enemy.

Guess "Revenge is Best served Cold" as the CAF employees will certainly be shocked to see them Lucrative Taxpayer Funded Paycheques they counted on, have now disappeared faster than a Hooker in mid Payday!

I do however Wholeheartedly Agree with the CAF that Freedon of Speech is Paramount, just as I Wholeheartedly agree that Government has a right to immediately Stop all Funding, when they feel an Organization does not appear to have Taxpayers best interests at Heart!

All in all the Government may be "*****s" as Ex Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney once stated in the 1990s, but in my Opinion, They are "*****s with Money", the CAF rely on to survive!

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