Canada's fastest cell phone network

By Editing Staff
November 27, 2009
Source Unknown. The Apple iPhone is a very popular Internet-enabled phone in Canada.
Source Unknown. The Apple iPhone is a very popular Internet-enabled phone in Canada. -
You've probably heard or seen the latest ads by each mobile carrier claiming to have the fastest or largest data network in the country. Customers are probably going to be hard-pressed to find the real answer, because it depends on many factors.

A mobile user on any of the three networks - Bell, Rogers & Telus - could see similar speeds on their wireless devices because in major metropolitan centres like Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, they are virtually the same.

If you're looking for reliable, any of the three networks can live up to their name depending on where exactly you're standing. Because Bell and Telus recently launched their 3G service, they seriously rival Rogers' capability to live up to the newest standards in the industry.

In recent development, Telus is reportedly suing Rogers for it's claim of having the fastest and most reliable network in Canada.

Nevertheless, Canadian consumers still experience some of the highest costs and fees for cell phone service on the planet -- something the second or third tiers providers such as Virgin Mobile have been unable to change.

So who has the fastest and most reliable network? Is it Bell, Rogers or Telus? Don't count on finding a definitive answer anytime soon!

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