America divided: Common Wisdom

By Naman Crowe
November 04, 2004
Future historians will look back at this election as one of the most shameful events in American history, because of what it says about the majority of the voting public on Nov. 2, 2004, a date that will live in infamy.

It will be the event most pointed to when the history books look back to the decline and fall of the America we used to know and were proud of, at least those of us in the minority.

It will mark the date when it was made absolutely clear, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that America has officially divided itself into two houses.

Not since the Civil War has there been such a deep-seated moral and spiritual division in this country.

From this point it will only get worse. There will be more wars and unjustified attacks by America on other nations over the next four years.

The wars will come because Bush and his vicarious warriors, swamped by the bloody and deepening debacle in Iraq, will want fresh victories to impress the Republican majority which has given them four more years to fight the elusive war on terror.

And the terror will come in greater waves than the majority of Republican minds ever imagined. And the terror will come to our shores and our people. There will be no way to keep it across the ocean in foreign lands. That is because Bush and his vicarious warriors, sanctioned by the simple Republican mind, has actually created terrorists on a scale never before dreamed of.

That is a natural result that comes to a nation that participates in unjustified attacks on other nations and kills their civilians in great numbers. Like the 100,000 Iraqi civilians that have died, either directly or indirectly, as a result of the Iraq war – a war that will go on and continue to create new terrorists daily out of the ashes.

I had predicted that the better part of America would rise up and prove itself to be the majority. I was wrong. Obviously the wrong-minded majority has won and the hope for a more peaceful America and a more peaceful world must be deferred for another four years.

When the blind lead the blind, there is nothing left to do but watch and wait. The hope is that once they find themselves in the ditch, where the stench of death is so overwhelming and there is no way out, a light of understanding will flicker on in their minds and they will realize their wrong and call out for peace and a brighter way.

The question then will be, will it be too late and will the barbarian already be at the gate? Will Bush’s macho words, "Bring it on," come back to haunt his admirers, the Republicans, all those fundamental Christians and the rest that voted for him?

Will this victory by the Republican majority result in America itself falling in a cloud of dust like the Twin Towers because of the direction it has chosen?

Will the hate and fear of us that Bush and his vicarious warriors have inspired around the world lead to a nuclear war and the end of the world? Will the weapons of mass destruction, that Bush lied about, finally be delivered to us in the hands of the very terrorists that he and his vicarious warriors created?

It’s all over now, and the common wisdom calls for a coming together of all Americans as a whole for the sake of the country. I have no faith in common wisdom, especially when the common wisdom in charge is an abomination and an insult to the very idea of intelligent thought.

Listen, if I may borrow from my friend Billy Sunday, I’m against this kind of wisdom. "I’ll kick it as long as I’ve got a foot. I’ll fight it as long as I’ve got a fist. I’ll butt it as long as I’ve got a head. And I’ll bite it as long as I’ve got a tooth and when I’m old, fistless, footless and toothless I’ll gum it till I go home to glory and it goes home to perdition."

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