A war of realities in the US

By Naman Crowe
July 02, 2007
All that really has to be done to make this country [the US] and the world a better and safer place is for America to go completely against herself in nearly everything she thinks, says and does.

That, of course, is impossible, but it is intriguing to think how close we are to a better world if we could force ourselves to go contrary to our beliefs and instincts and step over into the parallel reality of true enlightenment and peace among men instead of this reality of hell, hate and war that we have chiseled out for ourselves.

In my opinion, the great and final war to end all wars is already on us and has been for centuries. This is the war, if you will, between the two parallel realities.

Obviously the reality of true enlightenment and peace is the underdog with members vastly outnumbered by those that inhabit the reality of hell, hate and war.

After all, the reality of hell, hate and war is made up of all the organized and revealed religions – out of which most of the hell, hate and war throughout history has sprung.

Nationalism, another breeding ground for hell, hate and war, has shown itself a near equal to religion when it comes to disturbing the peace by aggression, bloodletting and killing.

These blood brothers, religion and nationalism, are so tightly woven together by politics, greed, selfishness, hypocrisy, self-righteousness and the lust for control and power, it is hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

Imagine the reality of enlightenment and peace trying to have a conversation with the American reality of today, which is to say the reality of hell, hate and war.

Speaking for the reality of enlightenment and peace, I say to America, get out of Iraq now and apologize to its people and the entire Islamic world, and indeed the world itself, for what you have done.

America, you have done enough harm, get out and leave those people alone. And while you are at it, get out of Afghanistan. In fact, get out of the entire Middle East. Nobody died and made you God. Leave those people to work out their own destinies and their own peace.

America, leave Iran alone. Unless you have some help to offer her, leave her be. The same goes for North Korea. Leave her be.

America, stop aiding and abetting Israel with weapons and money for aggressive military purposes against her neighbors. If you want to help Israel and the people of the Middle East, insist that Israel give up all her occupied territories and allow Palestine a legitimate home on earth to live in peace.

America, get your greedy, imperial nose out of the business of all the nations of the world. If you don’t have something good and worthwhile to offer other nations, leave them be.

America, you have been the cause of most all the problems that have manifested themselves around the modern world, because of your foreign policy actions since World War II and your aggressive behavior around the globe.

It was because of your long standing Middle East policies and your original invasion of Arab land during Desert Storm that sowed the seeds of hate that led to 9/11. You should have left it up to the Arab nations to bring justice to Saddam Hussein when he invaded Kuwait. Nobody died and made you God of the Middle East. Your motive was oil, not justice.

America, you allowed Bush and your government to go attacking and overthrowing governments in the name of revenge for 9/11, not justice. You should have gone after justice and only justice, but you went to spread hell, hate and war.

America, you have allowed this country to sink to depths that have shamed us before the world. You have behaved like a cowardly bunch of chickens with your demands for a fence between us and Mexico.

You have done all these things and more, and want to continue doing them without once spending any time or effort looking into your own soul and your own faulty foreign policy or making any attempt to discover your own mistakes and correct your foreign policies in order to put out this fire that you call terrorism.

Instead of dealing with the original cause of the fire and tracking down the actual 9/11 terrorists, you have declared yourself blameless and taken the insane belief that all you have to do is keep killing terrorists until they are all dead, without being intelligent enough to realize that the more nations you attack and the more terrorist you kill, the more terrorists you create and the more hell, hate and war you spread.

America, you have cost us hundreds of billions of dollars that could have been used to a better good, and you have caused the deaths of many thousands of lives for no good reason, and you have spread war and suffering throughout the world, claiming falsely that it was in defense of our freedom in the War on Terror.

The greatest terror in the War on Terror is that it is a war that was made up, exploiting the tragedy of 9/11 to create it, while using it to disguise the Bush administration’s plans to spread Democracy about in the Middle East through preemptive attack and nation building.

These two parallel realities offer completely differently views of the same scene. The American reality of today of hell, hate and war is winning now, but the reality of enlightenment and peace should not be counted out yet.

We may not see it in our lifetimes but if mankind can survive long enough, there may appear a new generation of Americans some day, carrying the torch that lights the path to peace and respect among nations and takes us out of the darkness of war and aggression into this brighter parallel reality that is right in front of us if we could just see it.

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